Field of Research:
Classical Archaeology
In Germany:
01.10.2024 -
Host's project description
Professor Versluys is one of the most prominent international scholars in the field of classical archaeology. His ground-breaking research shows the importance of Classical Studies for a deep historical perspective on questions of globalisation, culture-contact, migration, innovation, and human-thing entanglement. The engagement with the presence of the past and the importance of deep history for our societies today and our future is a leitmotif in Versluys’ research. His work therefore has a deep impact in a variety of different fields beyond his own discipline. During his stay in Germany, he will focus on new fieldwork projects in South-East Turkey, which will shed light on urbanism, material culture and local responses to ancient globalism.
Home Institute
Faculty of Archaeology
Leiden University
Van Steenis, Einsteinweg 2
2333 CC
Host in Germany
Prof. Dr. Engelbert Winter
Forschungsstelle Asia Minor
Universität Münster
Georgskommende 25
Prof. Dr. Julia Budka
Institut für Ägyptologie
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)
Meiserstraße 10
Dr. Philipp von Rummel
Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI)
Podbielskiallee 69-71