
Particles, Nuclei and Fields

Dr. Farid F. Abraham

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.10.2005 - 31.10.2005

Host's project description

Home Institute

Physical Sciences Department
IBM Almaden Research Center
650 Harry Road
95120-6099 San Jose

Prof. Dr. Halina Abramowicz

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2006 - 31.12.2006

Host's project description

Home Institute

School of Physics and Astronomy
Tel Aviv University
Ramat Aviv, Kaplun Building
69978 Tel Aviv

Prof. Dr. Eric G. Adelberger

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.04.1982 - 30.09.1982

Home Institute

Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics
University of Washington
98195-4290 Seattle

Prof. Dr. Yoram Alhassid

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.05.2001 - 30.06.2001

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics, Center for Theoretical Physics
Yale University
217 Prospect Street
06520 New Haven

Prof. Dr. Bruce Allen

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2003 - 31.12.2003

Host's project description

Home Institute

Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik (Albert-Einstein-Institut)
Callinstr. 38
30167 Hannover

Prof. Dr. Luis Alvarez-Gaume

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2003 - 31.10.2003

Host's project description

Home Institute

TH Division
Case C01600
1211 Geneve

Prof. Dr. Miron Ya Amusia

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.02.1992 - 31.08.1992

Home Institute

Racah Institute of Physics
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Edmund J. Safra Campus
91904 Jerusalem

Prof. Dr. Huzihiro Araki

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.03.2008 - 30.04.2008

Host's project description

Home Institute

Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Kyoto University
Kitashirakawa, Sakyo-Ku
606 Kyoto

Dr. Elke-Caroline Aschenauer

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.12.2019 - 31.12.2019

Host's project description

Home Institute

Medium Energy Group
Brookhaven National Laboratory
40 Brookhaven Avenue
11973-5000 Upton

Prof. Dr. Abhay Ashtekar

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2005 - 30.09.2005

Host's project description

Home Institute

Center for Gravitational Physics and Geometry
Pennsylvania State University
104 Davey Laboratory
16802-6300 University Park

Prof. Dr. Constantin Bachas

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.03.2016 - 30.04.2016

Host's project description

Home Institute

Laboratoire de Physique (LPENS)
Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris (ENS)
24 rue Lhomond
75005 Paris

Prof. Dr. Akif Baha Balantekin

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.05.2001 - 30.06.2001

Home Institute

Department of Physics
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1150 University Avenue
53706 Madison

Prof. Dr. Riccardo Barbieri

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.08.2007 - 31.12.2007

Host's project description

Home Institute

Classe di Scienze
Scuola Normale Superiore
Piazza dei Cavalieri 7
56100 Pisa

Prof. Dr. William A. Bardeen

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.03.1977 - 31.08.1977

Home Institute

Theoretical Physics Department
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
MS 106
60510 Batavia

Prof. Dr. Fernando Barreiro

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.06.1993 - 30.09.1993

Home Institute

Departamento de Fisica Teorica
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
28049 Madrid

Prof. Dr. Bruce R. Barrett

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.02.2009 - 28.02.2009

Home Institute

Department of Physics
University of Arizona
1118 East 4th Street, Box 210081
85721-0081 Tucson

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bauer

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2003 - 30.09.2003

Home Institute

Department of Physics & Astronomy
Michigan State University
4208 Biomedical and Physical Sciences Bldg.
48824 East Lansing

Dr. Christian W. Bauer

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.04.2013 - 31.08.2013

Host's project description

Home Institute

Physics Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
1 Cyclotron Road, M/S 50A5104
94720 Berkeley

Prof. Dr. Daniel Baumann

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.08.2024 - 31.08.2024

Home Institute

Institute for Theoretical Physics
University of Amsterdam
Postbus 94485
1090 GB Amsterdam

Prof. Dr. Thomas W. Baumgarte

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.08.2012 - 31.07.2013

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics and Astronomy
Bowdoin College
8800 College Station
04011-8466 Brunswick

Prof. Dr. Gordon A. Baym

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.05.1985 - 31.05.1985

Home Institute

Department of Astronomy
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1110 West Green Street
61801 Urbana

Prof. Dr. Niklas Beisert

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.10.2019 - 31.10.2019

Host's project description

Home Institute

Institut für Theoretische Physik
ETH Zürich
HIT K, Wolfgang-Pauli Str. 27
8093 Zürich

Prof. Dr. Alexander Belavin

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.02.2009 - 31.03.2009

Host's project description

Home Institute

L.D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics
Russian Academy of Sciences
Ac. Semenov Prosp., 1A
142432 Chernogolovka

Prof. Dr. Carl Martin Bender

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.01.2020 - 31.01.2020

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Washington University
One Brookings Drive, Campus Box 1105
63130 St. Louis

Prof. Dr. Bernd Albert Berg

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.05.2010 - 31.07.2010

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Florida State University
615 Keen Building
32306-4350 Tallahassee

Prof. Dr. George F. Bertsch

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.06.1999 - 30.06.1999

Home Institute

Institute for Nuclear Theory
University of Washington
Henderson Hall, HN-12
98195-1550 Seattle

Prof. Dr. Iwo Bialynicki-Birula

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.07.1998 - 31.07.1998

Home Institute

Center for Theoretical Physics
Polish Academy of Sciences
Lotnikow 32/46
02-668 Warszawa

Prof. Dr. Jiri Bicak

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2008 - 30.06.2008

Host's project description

Home Institute

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics - Institute of Theoretical Physics
Charles University
V Holesovickach 2
180 00 Prague 8

Prof. Dr. Samoil Bilenky

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.10.2013 - 31.12.2013

Host's project description

Home Institute

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Joliot Curie, 6
141980 Dubna, Moscow Region

Prof. Dr. Piotr Bizon

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.03.2016 - 30.04.2016

Host's project description

Home Institute

Institute of Physics
Jagiellonian University
Lojasiewicza 11
30-348 Krakow

Dr. Grahame Alexander Blair

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.01.2003 - 31.12.2003

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
University of London
Egham Hill
TW20 0EX Egham

Prof. Dr. Elliott D. Bloom

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.08.1984 - 31.08.1984

Home Institute

Stanford University
94305 Stanford

Prof. Dr. Arno Böhm

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.11.2000 - 31.12.2000

Home Institute

Department of Physics, Center for Particle Physics
University of Texas at Austin
C 1600
78712 Austin

Prof. Dr. Eduard Boos

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.02.2002 - 31.01.2003

Host's project description

Home Institute

Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics
Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University
Leninskie gory, GSP-1
119991 Moscow

Prof. Dr. Eric Braaten

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.08.2009 - 30.09.2009

Host's project description

Home Institute

Ohio State University
191 West Woodruff Avenue
43210 Columbus

Prof. Dr. Vladimir B. Braginsky

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.10.1996 - 15.11.1996

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University
Leninskie Gory
119899 Moscow

Prof. Dr. Gustavo Branco

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2007 - 31.07.2007

Host's project description

Home Institute

Instituto Superior Tecnico, Departamento de Fisica
Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa
Av. Rovisco Pais, No 1
1049-001 Lisboa

Prof. Dr. Carl H. Brans

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.06.1998 - 31.12.1998

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Loyola University New Orleans
70118 New Orleans

Prof. Dr. Dieter R. Brill

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.11.1984 - 31.01.1985

Home Institute

Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Maryland at College Park
John Toll Physics Bldg
20742 College Park

Prof. Dr. Stanley J. Brodsky

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.08.1997 - 15.08.1997

Home Institute

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)
2575 Sand Hill Road
94025 Menlo Park

Prof. Dr. B. Alex Brown

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.10.1997 - 31.10.1997

Home Institute

National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory
Michigan State University
48824-1321 East Lansing

Dr. Pavel Buividovich

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.08.2012 - 31.07.2017

Home Institute

Department of Mathematical Sciences
University of Liverpool
Peach street
L69 7ZL Liverpool

Prof. Dr. Leonid Bunimovich

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2009 - 31.07.2009

Host's project description

Home Institute

School of Mathematics
Georgia Institute of Technology
686 Cherry Street Atlanta GA 30332
30332-0160 Atlanta

Prof. Dr. Claudio Bunster

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2012 - 30.09.2012

Host's project description

Home Institute

Centro de Estudios Cientificos Valdivia
Avenida Arturo Prat 514
5110466 Valdivia

Prof. Dr. Marcela S. Carena

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.10.2014 - 30.11.2014

Host's project description

Home Institute

Theoretical Physics Department
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
P.O. Box 500
60510 Batavia

Prof. Dr. Roger J. Cashmore

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.07.1998 - 30.09.1998

Home Institute

Brasenose College
OX1 4AJ Oxford

Prof. Richard F. Casten

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.06.1984 - 31.05.1985

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Yale University
272 Whitney Avenue, WNSL
06520-8124 New Haven

Prof. Dr. Joseph Cerny

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.06.1995 - 30.06.1995

Home Institute

Nuclear Science Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
1 Cyclotron Road, MS 88R0192
94720-0192 Berkeley

Prof. Dr. John L. Challifour

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.09.1987 - 31.08.1988

Home Institute

Department of Mathematics and Physics
Indiana University
800 East Kirkwood Avenue
47405 Bloomington

Prof. Dr. Ali Hani Chamseddine

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2021 - 30.09.2021

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
American University of Beirut

Prof. Dr. Charles B. Chiu

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.08.1978 - 31.07.1979

Home Institute

Department of Physics
University of Texas at Austin
RLM Building, Corner of 26th and Speedway
78712 Austin

Dr. Suh Urk Chung

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.01.2011 - 31.03.2011

Home Institute

Physics Department
1211 Geneva 23

Prof. Dr. John Clements Collins

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.05.2012 - 31.05.2012

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Pennsylvania State University
104 Davey Laboratory, PMB 208
16802 University Park

Dr. Michael Creutz

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.03.2011 - 30.04.2011

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics 510 A
Brookhaven National Laboratory
11973-5000 Upton

Prof. Dr. Csaba Csaki

Field of Research:

Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Fields

In Germany:

01.06.2019 - 30.06.2019

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Cornell University
469 Physical Sciences Building
14853 Ithaca

Prof. Dr. Laszlo Pal Csernai

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.02.2022 - 30.04.2022

Home Institute

Department of Physics and Technology, Theoretical and Computational Physics Section
University of Bergen
Allegaten 55
5007 Bergen

Prof. Dr. Mirjam Cvetic

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2021 - 31.08.2021

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
University of Pennsylvania
209 South 33rd Street
19104-6396 Philadelphia

Prof. Dr. Predrag Cvitanovic

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2010 - 30.06.2010

Host's project description

Home Institute

School of Physics
Georgia Institute of Technology
837 State Street
30332-0363 Atlanta

Prof. Dr. Michal Czakon

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.12.2004 - 30.11.2008

Host's project description

Home Institute

Institut für Theoretische Teilchenphysik und Kosmologie
Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH)
Sommerfeldstr. 16
52074 Aachen

Prof. Dr. Sally Dawson

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2018 - 31.07.2018

Home Institute

Brookhaven National Laboratory
Bldg. 510A, P.O. Box 5000
11973-5000 Upton

Prof. Dr. Giacomo de Angelis

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2017 - 30.11.2017

Host's project description

Home Institute

Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN)
Viale dell'Università 2
35020 Legnaro

Prof. Dr. Daniel Enrique de Florian

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2018 - 30.09.2018

Host's project description

Home Institute

Centro Internacional de Estudios Avanzados (ICAS)
Universidad Nacional de San Martin
Campus Miguelete, 25 de Mayo y Francia
B1650 General San Martin

Prof. Dr. Gianfausto Dell'Antonio

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.01.1999 - 31.01.1999

Home Institute

Faculty of Mathematic
Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza
Piazzale Aldo Moro 2
00185 Roma

Prof. Dr. Durmus Ali Demir

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.01.2008 - 30.06.2008

Host's project description

Home Institute

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Sabanci University
34956 Istanbul

Prof. Dr. David DiVincenzo

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.01.2017 -

Host's project description

Home Institute

JARA - Institut für Quanteninformation
Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH)
52074 Aachen

Prof. Dr. Lance Jenkins Dixon

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2023 - 30.09.2023

Host's project description

Home Institute

Particle Physics and Astrophysics
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)
2575 Sand Hill Road
94025 Menlo Park, CA

Prof. Dr. Abdelhak Djouadi

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.11.2008 - 30.11.2008

Host's project description

Home Institute

Laboratoire de Physique Theorique, Bat. 210
Universite de Paris XI (Paris-Sud)
91405 Orsay

Prof. Dr. Boris A. Dolgoshein

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.01.2005 - 31.05.2005

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Moscow State Institute of Engineering Physics
Kashirskoe shosse, 31
115409 Moscow

Prof. Dr. Cesareo Augusto Dominguez

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2016 - 31.07.2016

Host's project description

Home Institute

Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics
University of Cape Town
Private Bag
7700 Rondebosch

Dr. Pieter Doornenbal

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

02.10.2023 - 02.10.2023

Home Institute

Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science
2-1 Hirosawa
351-0198 Saitama

Prof. Dr. Emilian Dudas

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.03.2015 - 31.07.2015

Host's project description

Home Institute

Centre de Physique Theorique (CPHT)
Ecole Polytechnique
Route de Saclay
91128 Palaiseau

Prof. Dr. Georgi Dvali

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.01.2015 -

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department für Physik
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)
Theresienstr. 37
80333 München

Prof. Dr. Joseph H. Eberly

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.07.1995 - 15.07.1995

Home Institute

Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Rochester
Wilson Blvd.
14627-0171 Rochester

Prof. Dr. Estia J. Eichten

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

19.12.2024 - 19.12.2024

Host's project description

Home Institute

Theoretical Physics Department
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
MS 106, Fermilab, PO Box 500
60510-5011 Batavia

Prof. Richard Keith Ellis

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

15.01.2021 - 15.01.2021

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
University of Durham
South Road
DH1 3LE Durham

Prof. Dr. Magda Ericson

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.07.1999 - 31.07.1999

Home Institute

Institut de Physique Nucleaire et IN2P3
Universite Claude Bernard Lyon I
43 Blvd. du 11 Novembre 1918
69622 Villeurbanne Cedex

Prof. Dr. Victor S. Fadin

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2008 - 30.11.2008

Host's project description

Home Institute

Theory Department
Institute of Nuclear Physics
Lavrent'eva, 11
630090 Novosibirsk

Prof. Dr. Vladimir Fateev

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.05.2014 - 31.05.2014

Host's project description

Home Institute

Laboratoire de Physique Mathematique
Universite de Montpellier
Place Eugene Batillon
34095 Montpellier Cedex 5

Prof. Dr. Fernando Febres Cordero

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.11.2014 - 31.10.2019

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Florida State University
Keen Bldg.
32306-1540 Tallahassee

Prof. Dr. Alexander Filippov

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.02.2023 - 31.07.2023

Host's project description

Home Institute

Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Am Botanischen Garten 9
24118 Kiel

Prof. Dr. Brian Foster

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2011 -

Home Institute

Department of Particle Physics
University of Oxford
Keble Road
OX1 3RH Oxford

Prof. Dr. Leonid Frankfurt

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.12.2000 - 31.12.2000

Home Institute

Department of Nuclear Physics
Tel Aviv University
Ramat Aviv
69978 Tel Aviv

Prof. Rikkert Frederix

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.08.2015 - 31.03.2019

Home Institute

Department of Theoretical Physics
Lund University
221 00 Lund

Prof. Dr. Martin Freer

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2005 - 30.09.2005

Home Institute

School of Physics and Space Research
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT Birmingham

Dr. James Lewis Friar

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

16.07.1992 - 15.10.1992

Home Institute

Theoretical Division, T 16
Los Alamos National Laboratory
87545-0001 Los Alamos

Prof. Dr. Juan Antonio Fuster Verdu

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.10.2022 - 31.10.2022

Host's project description

Home Institute

Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC)
Universidad de Valencia
Catedratico Jose Beltran, 2
46980 Valencia

Prof. Dr. Toshifumi Futamase

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.11.2000 - 30.11.2000

Home Institute

Astronomical Institute
Tohoku University
Aramaki, Aoba-ku
980-8578 Sendai

Prof. Dr. Gerald Gabrielse

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.08.2007 - 31.05.2008

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics and Astronomy
Northwestern University
2145 Sheridan Road
60201 Evanston

Prof. Dr. Avraham Gal

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2006 - 31.10.2006

Home Institute

Racah Institute of Physics
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Edmund J. Safra Campus
91904 Jerusalem

Prof. Dr. Charles Gale

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.04.2016 - 31.07.2016

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
McGill University
3600 University St.
H3A 2T8 Montreal

Prof. Dr. Jürg Gasser

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2011 - 30.06.2011

Host's project description

Home Institute

Institut für Theoretische Physik
Universität Bern
Sidlerstr. 5
3012 Bern

Prof. Dr. Claus-Konrad Gelbke

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.01.1996 - 29.02.1996

Home Institute

Cyclotron Laboratory
Michigan State University
South Shaw Lane
48824-1321 East Lansing

Dr. Benjamin F. Gibson

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2002 - 30.06.2002

Home Institute

Theory Division, Group T-5
Los Alamos National Laboratory
87545 Los Alamos

Dr. Joseph Natale Ginocchio

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.05.1993 - 31.07.1993

Home Institute

Theory Group MS B 283
Los Alamos National Laboratory
87545 Los Alamos

Prof. Dr. Gerald Alan Goldin

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2003 - 31.07.2003

Home Institute

Graduate School of Education
Rutgers University
10 Seminary Place
08901 New Brunswick

Prof. Dr. Mark Gorenstein

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.02.2023 - 30.04.2023

Host's project description

Home Institute

Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Metrologichna str. 14 b
03680 Kiev

Prof. Dr. Daniel M. Greenberger

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2011 - 31.07.2011

Home Institute

Department of Physics
City College
138th Street and Covent Avenue
10031 New York

Prof. Dr. Robert B. Griffiths

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.06.1973 - 31.01.1974

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
15213 Pittsburgh

Prof. Dr. Yuval Grossman

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2019 - 31.07.2019

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Cornell University
467 Physical Sciences Building
14853 Ithaca, New York

Prof. Dr. Miklos Gyulassy

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2003 - 31.10.2003

Home Institute

Columbia University
538 West 120th Street
10027 New York

Prof. Dr. Howard E. Haber

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.08.2017 - 31.08.2017

Host's project description

Home Institute

Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics
University of California, Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
95064 Santa Cruz

Prof. Dr. Joseph H. Hamilton

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2001 - 30.09.2001

Home Institute

Department of Physics and Astronomy
Vanderbilt University
37235 Nashville

Prof. Dr. Steen Hannestad

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2007 - 31.08.2007

Host's project description

Home Institute

Institute of Physics and Astronomy
Aarhus University
Ny Munkegade 120
8000 Aarhus

Prof. Dr. Ole Hansen

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

16.08.1988 - 31.05.1989

Home Institute

Niels Bohr Institute
University of Copenhagen
Blegdamsvej 17
2100 Copenhagen

Prof. Dr. John W. Harris

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.07.1995 - 31.12.1995

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Yale University
272 Whitney Avenue
06520-8124 New Haven

Prof. Dr. Shlomo Havlin

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.01.2007 - 31.01.2007

Home Institute

Minerva Center
Bar-Ilan University
52900 Ramat-Gan

Prof. Dr. Wick C. Haxton

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2014 - 31.10.2014

Home Institute

Department of Physics
University of California, Berkeley
366 Physics NorthMC 7300
94720 Berkeley

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Walter Heinz

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.05.2022 - 31.08.2022

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Ohio State University
191 West Woodruff Avenue
43210-1117 Columbus

Dr. Michal P. Heller

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.12.2021 - 28.02.2022

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics and Astronomy
Ghent University
Krijgslaan 281 building S9
9000 Gent

Prof. Dr. Marc Henneaux

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.10.2014 - 31.10.2014

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department de Physique Théorique et Mathématique
Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Campus Plaine
1050 Bruxelles

Prof. Dr. Alexander S. Holevo

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.11.2004 - 31.01.2005

Home Institute

Steklov Mathematical Institute, Department of Probability
Russian Academy of Sciences
Gubkina 8
119991 Moskau (GSP-1)

Prof. Dr. Barry R. Holstein

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2001 - 30.11.2001

Home Institute

Department of Physics
University of Massachusetts Amherst
1126 Lederle Graduate Research Tower (LGRT)
01003 Amherst

Prof. Dr. Dmitry Ioffe

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2014 - 30.06.2014

Host's project description

Home Institute

Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences
Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
Technion City
32000 Haifa

Prof. Dr. Mikhail Itkis

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2010 - 30.09.2010

Home Institute

Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Joliot Curie, 6
141980 Dubna

Prof. Dr. Arkadiusz Jadczyk

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.07.1995 - 29.02.1996

Home Institute

Institute of Mathematics of Toulouse, Center Cairos
Universite Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III)
Cedex 9
31062 Toulouse

Dr. Robert A. Jameson

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.05.2009 - 31.05.2009

Home Institute

Los Alamos National Laboratory
87545 Los Alamos

Prof. Dr. Xiangdong Ji

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

17.12.2020 - 17.12.2020

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
University of Maryland at College Park
A.V. Williams Bldg.
20742 College Park

Prof. Dr. Börje Johansson

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2019 - 31.12.2019

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics and Astronomy
Uppsala University
Box 516
751 20 Uppsala

Prof. Dr. Rostislav Vladimirovich Jolos

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.11.2006 - 31.12.2006

Host's project description

Home Institute

Bogolubov Laboratory for Theoretical Physics
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
141980 Dubna

Prof. Dr. Björn Nils Gustaf Jonson

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.03.1998 - 30.09.1998

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Chalmers University of Technology
412 96 Göteborg

Dr. Bernard Julia

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.04.1997 - 30.04.1997

Home Institute

Laboratoire de Physique Theorique
Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris (ENS)
24, rue Lhomond
75005 Paris Cedex 05

Prof. Dr. Renata Kallosh

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.08.2009 - 31.08.2009

Home Institute

Varian Physics Building
Stanford University
382 Via Pueblo Mall
94305-4060 Stanford

Prof. Dr. Vladimir Kazakov

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2013 - 31.08.2013

Host's project description

Home Institute

Laboratoire de Physique Theorique
Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris (ENS)
24, rue Lhomond
75005 Paris Cedex 05

Prof. Dr. Panayotis G. Kevrekidis

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.05.2019 - 31.07.2019

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Mathematics & Statistics
University of Massachusetts Amherst
710 N. Pleasant Street
01003 Amherst

Prof. Dr. Dmitri Kharzeev

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.05.2016 - 30.06.2016

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics and Astronomy
Stony Brook University
Physics Bldg. (SBU) C 142 A
11794 Stony Brook

Prof. Dr. Jihn Eui Kim

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2012 - 31.07.2012

Host's project description

Home Institute

College of Natural Sciences, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Seoul National University
San 56-1, Shinrim-dong
151-747 Seoul

Prof. Dr. Elias Kiritsis

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.02.2025 - 31.07.2025

Home Institute

Department of Physics
University of Crete
Voutes University Campus
70013 Heraklion

Host in Germany

Prof. Dr. Dieter Lüst
Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik (IPP)
Boltzmannstraße 2
85748 Garching

Prof. Dr. Markus Klute

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.10.2021 -

Home Institute

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Kaiserstraße 12
76131 Karlsruhe

Prof. Dr. Che Ming Ko

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.06.1998 - 30.06.1998

Home Institute

Cyclotron Institute
Texas A&M University
77843-3366 College Station

Prof. Dr. Peter F.M. Koehler

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.08.1979 - 31.07.1980

Home Institute

Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Pittsburgh
200 D Allen Hall
15260 Pittsburgh

Prof. Dr. Alexander Komech

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2009 - 30.11.2009

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Mechanics and Mathematics
Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University
Leninskie Gori, GSP-2
119992 Moscow

Prof. Dr. Steven E. Koonin

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.11.1987 - 31.12.1987

Home Institute

Stern School of Business
New York University
44 West Fourth Street
10012 New York

Prof. Dr. Roman Kotecky

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.04.2004 - 30.06.2004

Host's project description

Home Institute

Center for Theoretical Study
Charles University
Jilska 1
110 00 Prague

Prof. Dr. Costas Kounnas

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.12.2014 - 31.01.2015

Host's project description

Home Institute

Ecole Normale Superieure, Laboratoire de Physique Theorique
Sorbonne Universite
24 rue Lhomond
75005 Paris 05 Pantheon

Prof. Dr. Donald J. Kouri

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.06.1985 - 31.08.1985

Home Institute

Department of Chemistry
University of Houston (UH)
Fleming Bldg., Cullen Blvd.
77204-5641 Houston

Prof. Dr. Stanley Kowalski

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.03.2004 - 30.04.2004

Home Institute

Laboratory for Nuclear Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Bldg. 26-427
02139-4307 Cambridge

Dr. Witold Kozanecki

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.09.1990 - 30.06.1991

Home Institute

BaBar Collaboration
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)
2575 Sand Hill Road, MS 34
94025 Menlo Park

Prof. Dr. Dirk Kreimer

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.01.2011 -

Host's project description

Home Institute

Institut für Mathematik
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Rudower Chaussee 25
12489 Berlin

Prof. Dr. Thomas T.S. Kuo

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.04.1986 - 30.06.1986

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Stony Brook University
11794-3800 Stony Brook

Prof. Dr. Paul G. Langacker

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.08.1987 - 31.07.1988

Home Institute

Institute for Advanced Study
1 Einstein Lane
08540 Princeton

Prof. Dr. Shyh-Yuan Lee

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2005 - 31.05.2006

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Indiana University
Swain-Hall West 117
47405 Bloomington

Prof. Dr. Heinrich Leutwyler

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2003 - 30.09.2003

Host's project description

Home Institute

Institut für Theoretische Physik
Universität Bern
Sidlerstr. 5
3012 Bern

Prof. Dr. Evgenij M. Levin

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2007 - 30.11.2007

Host's project description

Home Institute

School of Physics and Astronomy
Tel Aviv University
Ramat Aviv
69978 Tel Aviv

Prof. Dr. Frank S. Levin

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

16.05.1985 - 30.06.1985

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Brown University
02912 Providence

Prof. Dr. Jerzy K. Lewandowski

Field of Research:

Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Fields

In Germany:

01.10.2019 - 31.03.2020

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics
University of Warsaw
u. Pasteura 5
02-093 Warszawa

Prof. Dr. Elliott H. Lieb

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.01.2004 - 29.02.2004

Host's project description

Home Institute

Princeton University
Jadwin Hall
08544 Princeton

Prof. Dr. Andrei Linde

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.08.2009 - 31.08.2009

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Stanford University
Varian Bldg. 344
94305 Stanford

Prof. Dr. Keh-Fei Liu

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.01.1991 - 31.08.1991

Home Institute

Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Kentucky
600 Rose St.
40506 Lexington

Prof. Dr. Vladimir M. Lobashev

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.05.2002 - 31.05.2002

Home Institute

Institute for Nuclear Research
Russian Academy of Sciences
60th October Anniversary prospekt 7a
117312 Moscow

Prof. Dr. Roberto Longo

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2016 - 31.07.2016

Host's project description

Home Institute

Dipartimento di Matematica
Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
Via Della Ricerca Scientifica 1
00133 Roma

Prof. Dr. William J. Marciano

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.11.2007 - 30.11.2007

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Brookhaven National Laboratory
11973-5000 Upton

Dr. Pierpaolo Mastrolia

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.12.2010 - 30.11.2015

Host's project description

Home Institute

Dipartimento di Fisica
Universita degli Studi di Padova
Via F. Marzolo 8
35121 Padova

Prof. Dr. Robert McGrath

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.09.1974 - 31.08.1975

Home Institute

Department of Physics & Astronomy
Stony Brook University
Graduate Physics Bldg.
11794-3800 Stony Brook

Prof. Dr. James H. McGuire

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.06.1997 - 31.05.1998

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Tulane University
70118-5698 New Orleans

Prof. Dr. Larry D. McLerran

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2003 - 30.09.2003

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Bldg. 510A
11973-5000 Upton

Prof. Dr. Ilarion Melnikov

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.05.2024 - 30.06.2024

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics and Astronomy
James Madison University
901 Carrier Drive
22807 Harrisonburg

Prof. Dr. Jie Meng

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2023 - 30.09.2023

Host's project description

Home Institute

School of Physics
Peking University (PKU)
209 Chengfu Road, Haidian district
100871 Beijing

Prof. Dr. Hans-Otto Meyer

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.05.2009 - 31.05.2009

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Indiana University
727 East Third Street
47405 Bloomington

Prof. Dr. Richard Gerard Milner

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.03.2013 - 31.03.2013

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, 26-505
02139-4307 Cambridge

Prof. Dr. Ruben Minasian

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2024 - 30.06.2024

Host's project description

Home Institute

CEA Saclay - Service de Physique Theorique
Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA)
Ormes des Merisiers
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette CEDEX

Prof. Dr. Igor Mishustin

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2004 - 31.08.2004

Home Institute

Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS)
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Ruth-Moufang-Str. 1
60438 Frankfurt am Main

Prof. Dr. Gary E. Mitchell

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.09.1997 - 30.11.1997

Home Institute

Department of Physics
North Carolina State University at Raleigh
104 Cox Hall
27695-8202 Raleigh

Prof. Dr. Rabindra N. Mohapatra

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2009 - 31.07.2009

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
University of Maryland at College Park
2133 Physics Building
20742-4111 College Park

Prof. Dr. Peter J. Mohr

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.04.2005 - 30.04.2005

Home Institute

Physics Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8420
20899-8420 Gaithersburg

Prof. Dr. Ernest J. Moniz

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.07.1994 - 31.07.1994

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Building E18-333
02139-4307 Cambridge

Prof. Dr. Guy D. Moore

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.08.2008 - 28.02.2009

Host's project description

Home Institute

Institut für Kernphysik
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Schlossgartenstraße 2
64289 Darmstadt

Prof. Dr. Luciano G. Moretto

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.05.1987 - 31.08.1987

Home Institute

Dipartimento di Filosofia
Universita degli Studi di Verona
Via San Francesco 22
37129 Verona

Prof. Dr. Alfred Mueller

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.11.2006 - 31.12.2006

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Columbia University
530 West 120th Street
10027 New York City

Prof. Dr. Berndt Müller

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.02.2005 - 31.03.2005

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Duke University
012 Allen Bldg.
27708-0305 Durham

Prof. Dr. Hitoshi Murayama

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.04.2018 - 31.05.2018

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
University of California, Berkeley
411 LeConte Hall MC 7300
94720-7300 Berkeley, CA

Prof. Dr. Paolo Nason

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2022 - 02.09.2022

Host's project description

Home Institute

Dipartimento di Fisica "Giuseppe.Occhialini"
Universita degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Piazza della Scienza 3
20126 Milano

Prof. Dr. Pran Nath

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.05.2005 - 30.06.2005

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Northeastern University
111 Dana Research Center
02115-5000 Boston

Prof. Dr. John William Negele

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.08.2001 - 31.08.2001

Home Institute

Center for Theoretical Physics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 6-315
02139 Cambridge

Prof. Dr. Herbert Neuberger

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2007 - 31.07.2007

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics and Astronomy
Rutgers University
136 Frelinghuysen Road
08854-8019 Piscataway

Prof. Dr. Matthias Neubert

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.05.2006 - 31.07.2006

Host's project description

Home Institute

Institut für Physik
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Staudinger Weg 7
55128 Mainz

Prof. Dr. Holger Bech Nielsen

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.01.2002 - 31.08.2002

Host's project description

Home Institute

Niels Bohr Institute
University of Copenhagen
Blegdamsvej 17
2100 Copenhagen

Prof. Dr. Michael M. Nieto

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2000 - 30.06.2000

Home Institute

Theoretical Division T8, MSB 285
Los Alamos National Laboratory
87545 Los Alamos

Prof. Dr. Kenneth Nordtvedt

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.10.1995 - 31.03.1996

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Montana State University
59717 Bozeman

Prof. Dr. Alexandre Obertelli

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.10.2018 -

Home Institute

Institut für Kernphysik
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Schlossgartenstraße 9
64289 Darmstadt

Prof. Dr. Yuri Ts. Oganessian

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2007 - 30.09.2007

Home Institute

Flerov Institute of Nuclear Reactions
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
337 Building 101
141980 Dubna

Prof. Dr. Hirosi Ooguri

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2012 - 31.08.2012

Host's project description

Home Institute

Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy
California Institute of Technology
1200 East California Blvd., MC 350-17
91125 Pasadena

Dr. Daniele Oriti

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.12.2013 - 31.08.2014

Host's project description

Home Institute

Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas, Departamento de Fisica Teorica
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Plaza de las Ciencias 1
28040 Madrid

Prof. Dr. Eulogio Oset

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.02.1998 - 28.02.1998

Home Institute

Departamento de Fisica Teorica
Universidad de Valencia
C/ Dr. Moliner 50
46100 Burjassot

Prof. Dr. Takaharu Otsuka

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2024 - 30.09.2024

Host's project description

Home Institute

Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science
2-1 Hirosawa
351-0198 Wako, Saitama

Prof. Dr. Burt Alan Ovrut

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.04.1999 - 31.07.1999

Home Institute

University of Pennsylvania
209 South 33rd Street
19104-6396 Philadelphia

Prof. Dr. Yaron Oz

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2022 - 30.11.2022

Host's project description

Home Institute

School of Physics and Astronomy
Tel Aviv University
69978 Tel Aviv

Prof. Dr. Sandip Pakvasa

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.05.2015 - 31.05.2015

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Hawaii
2505 Correa Road, WAT 235
96822 Honolulu

Prof. Dr. John P. Perdew

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

30.09.2020 - 30.09.2020

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Temple University
1900 North 13th Street
19122-6082 Philadelphia

Prof. Dr. Gilad Perez

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.10.2022 - 31.10.2022

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics
Weizmann Institute of Science
234 Herzl St.
7610001 Rehovot

Prof. Dr. Yuri V. Petrov

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.10.1992 - 31.03.1993

Home Institute

St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute
Russian Academy of Sciences
188350 Gatchina

Prof. Dr. Harald P. Pfeiffer

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.01.2016 - 31.07.2016

Host's project description

Home Institute

Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik (Albert-Einstein-Institut)
Am Mühlenweg 1
14476 Potsdam

Prof. Dr. Antonio Pich Zardoya

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2012 - 31.10.2012

Host's project description

Home Institute

Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC)
Universidad de Valencia
Poligono La Coma S/N
46980 Valencia

Dr. Robert D. Pisarski

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.11.2023 - 30.11.2023

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Building 510A
11973 Upton

Dr. Frank Plasil

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.05.1988 - 30.06.1988

Home Institute

Physics Division
University of Tennessee
P.O. Box 2008, MS-6372
37830 Oak Ridge

Prof. Dr. Antonio Politi

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2012 - 31.12.2012

Home Institute

King's College, Institute for Complex Systems and Mathemaical Biology (ICSMB)
University of Aberdeen
Meston Building
AB24 3UE Aberdeen

Dr. Arthur M. Poskanzer

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.10.1995 - 31.12.1995

Home Institute

Nuclear Science Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
1 Cyclotron Road, MS 70R0319
94720 Berkeley

Prof. Dr. Alain Pumir

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.01.2016 - 29.02.2016

Host's project description

Home Institute

Laboratoire de Physique
Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
15 parvis René Descartes BP 7000
69342 Lyon CEDEX 07

Dr. Chris Quigg

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2017 - 31.10.2017

Host's project description

Home Institute

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Kirk and Pine Street
60510 Batavia

Prof. Dr. Eliezer Rabinovici

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2012 - 31.07.2012

Host's project description

Home Institute

Racah Institute of Physics
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Edmund J. Safra Campus
91904 Jerusalem

Prof. Dr. Stuart A. Raby

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.05.2017 - 31.07.2017

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Ohio State University
191 West Woodruff Avenue
43210-1117 Columbus

Prof. Dr. Anatoly Radyushkin

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.10.2004 - 30.11.2004

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Old Dominion University
Room 317
23529 Norfolk

Prof. Dr. Jørgen Randrup

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.09.1991 - 31.10.1991

Home Institute

Nuclear Science Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
1 Cyclotron Road
94720 Berkeley

Prof. Dr. Ralf Rapp

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.10.2009 - 31.10.2009

Host's project description

Home Institute

Cyclotron Institute, Physics Department
Texas A&M University
MS 3366
77843-3366 College Station

Prof. Dr. John O. Rasmussen

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.05.1993 - 31.05.1993

Home Institute

Nuclear Science Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
1 Cyclotron Road, MS 70-319
94720 Berkeley

Prof. Dr. Leonardo Rastelli

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.03.2024 - 31.03.2024

Host's project description

Home Institute

C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics
Stony Brook University
100 Nicolls Road
11794 Stony Brook

Prof. Dr. Robert Raußendorf

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2023 -

Host's project description

Home Institute

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover

Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Stanislaw Redlich

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.02.2010 - 28.02.2010

Host's project description

Home Institute

Institute of Theoretical Physics
University of Wroclaw
Pl. Maxa Borna 9
50-204 Wroclaw

Prof. Dr. Ettore Remiddi

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.02.2005 - 28.02.2005

Home Institute

Dipartimento di Fisica
Universita degli Studi
via Irnerio 46
40126 Bologna

Prof. Dr. Nicolai Reshetikhin

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2007 - 31.07.2007

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Mathematics
University of California, Berkeley
970 Evans Hall, #3840
94720-3840 Berkeley

Prof. Dr. Soo-Jong Rey

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2008 - 31.08.2008

Home Institute

School of Physics
Seoul National University
151-747 Seoul

Prof. Dr. Mannque Rho

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.03.2002 - 31.05.2002

Home Institute

Centre d'Etudes de Saclay, Service de Physique Théorique
Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA)
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette

Prof. Dr. Jean-Marc Richard

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2003 - 30.06.2003

Home Institute

Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et et Cosmologie
Universite Grenoble Alpes
53, Ave de Martyrs
38026 Grenoble

Prof. Dr. Georges Ripka

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.03.1996 - 15.03.1996

Home Institute

Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, Institut de Physique Theorique
Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA)
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex

Dr. Hans Georg Ritter

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2011 - 30.09.2011

Host's project description

Home Institute

Nuclear Science Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
1 Cyclotron Road, MS 70R319
94720 Berkeley

Prof. Dr. John E. Roberts

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.04.2003 - 30.09.2003

Host's project description

Home Institute

Dipartimento di Matematica
Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
Via Della Ricerca Scientifica 1
00133 Roma

Prof. Dr. Craig Darrian Roberts

Field of Research:

Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Fields

In Germany:

01.12.2005 - 31.12.2005

Host's project description

Home Institute

Physics Division 203
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
60439-4843 Argonne

Prof. Dr. Donald Robson

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.10.1976 - 30.09.1977

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Florida State University
Keen Bldg.
32306 Tallahassee

Prof. Dr. Giancarlo Rossi

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2014 - 31.07.2014

Host's project description

Home Institute

Dipartimento di Fisica
Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
Via della Ricerca Scientifica, 1
00133 Roma

Prof. Dr. Christophe Royon

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2021 - 30.11.2021

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Kansas
1251 Wescoe Hall Drive, 4086 Malott Hall
66045 Lawrence

Prof. Dr. Angel Rubio

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2006 - 31.08.2006

Host's project description

Home Institute

Abteilung Theorie
Max-Planck-Institut für Struktur und Dynamik der Materie
Luruper Chaussee 149
22763 Hamburg

Dr. Joshua Ruderman

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2020 - 28.02.2021

Host's project description

Home Institute

Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, Department of Physics
New York University
726 Broadway
10003 New York

Prof. Dr. Kazimierz Rzazewski

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.11.1999 - 31.12.1999

Home Institute

Center for Theoretical Physics
Polish Academy of Sciences
Al. Lotnikow 32/46
02-089 Warsaw

Prof. Dr. Augusto Sagnotti

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.03.2021 - 30.04.2021

Host's project description

Home Institute

Classe di Scienze
Scuola Normale Superiore
Piazza dei Cavalieri 7
56126 Pisa

Prof. Dr. Hubert Saleur

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.11.2008 - 30.11.2008

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
University of Southern California
University Park
90089-0484 Los Angeles

Dr. Andrey Sarantsev

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.01.2004 - 29.02.2004

Host's project description

Home Institute

Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute
Russian Academy of Sciences
Orlova Rosha
188300 Gatchina

Prof. Dr. Misao Sasaki

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.08.2010 - 30.09.2010

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Atmospheric Sciences
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Nr.1, Abs. 4, Roosevelt Road, R8E6
106 Taipei

Prof. Dr. Martin John Savage

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.05.2013 - 31.08.2013

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
University of Washington
3910 15th Ave. NE
98195-1560 Seattle

Prof. Dr. Martin Schmaltz

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

19.12.2024 - 19.12.2024

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Boston University
590 Commonwealth Avenue
02215-2411 Boston

Prof. Dr. Peter Schuck

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.08.2005 - 31.08.2005

Host's project description

Home Institute

Institut de Physique Nucleaire d`Orsay
Universite de Paris XI (Paris-Sud)
Batiment 100
91406 Orsay

Prof. Dr. Adam Schwimmer

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.10.2012 - 31.10.2012

Home Institute

Department of Physics of Complex Systems
Weizmann Institute of Science
76100 Rehovot

Prof. Dr. Frank Sciulli

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.09.1991 - 31.08.1992

Home Institute

Nevis Laboratory
Columbia University
10533 New York

Prof. Dr. Marlan O. Scully

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.03.1981 - 31.08.1981

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Texas A&M University
4242 TAMU
77843-4242 College Station

Prof. Dr. Ralph E. Segel

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.06.1979 - 30.09.1979

Home Institute

Department of Physics and Astronomy
Northwestern University
60208-3112 Evanston

Prof. Dr. Gregory Alexander Seregin

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2004 - 31.07.2005

Host's project description

Home Institute

Steklov, V.A., Institute of Mathematics, The Laboratory of Mathematical Physics
Russian Academy of Sciences
Fontanka 27
191011 St. Petersburg

Prof. Dr. Kamal Kishore Seth

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2001 - 30.09.2001

Home Institute

Department of Physics and Astronomy
Northwestern University
2145 Sheridan Road
60208 Evanston

Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shabaev

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2009 - 31.08.2009

Host's project description

Home Institute

Institute of Physics
St. Petersburg University
Uljanovskaya 1, Petrodvorets
198504 St. Petersburg

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Shafi

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2018 - 30.06.2018

Host's project description

Home Institute

Bartol Research Institute
University of Delaware
112 Sharp Laboratory
19716 Newark

Prof. Dr. Mikhail Shaposhnikov

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.10.2010 - 31.10.2010

Home Institute

School of Basic Sciences, Institute of Theoretical Physics
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL)
1015 Lausanne

Dr. William Shepherd

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2016 - 31.08.2018

Home Institute

Sam Houston State University (SHSU)
77341 Huntsville

Prof. Dr. Mikhail A. Shifman

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.12.2006 - 31.01.2007

Home Institute

Institute of Theoretical Physics
University of Minnesota
431 Physics, 116 Church Street SE
55455 Minneapolis

Prof. Dr. Edward V. Shuryak

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.10.2011 - 31.12.2011

Host's project description

Home Institute

Stony Brook University
Physics Bldg. (SBU) C 142 A
11794 Stony Brook NY

Prof. Dr. Yuri A. Simonov

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.10.1994 - 31.10.1994

Home Institute

Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
B. Cheremushkinskaya 25
117218 Moscow

Prof. Dr. Bikash Sinha

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2014 - 31.08.2014

Home Institute

Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics
700064 Kolkata

Prof. Dr. Andrei A. Slavnov

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.02.2008 - 30.04.2008

Home Institute

Steklov Mathematical Institute
Russian Academy of Sciences
Gubkinastr. 8
117966 Moscow GSP-1

Prof. Dr. Uzy Smilansky

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.12.2019 - 31.12.2019

Home Institute

Department of Nuclear Physics
Weizmann Institute of Science
76100 Rehovot

Dr. Vladimir A. Smirnov

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.11.2015 - 31.01.2016

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Theoretical High Energy Physics, Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics
Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University
Vorobiovy gory
119992 Moscow

Prof. Dr. John Smith

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.09.1996 - 31.08.1997

Home Institute

Institute for Theoretical Physics
Stony Brook University
11794-3840 Stony Brook

Prof. Dr. Michael Spannowsky

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.12.2019 - 31.12.2019

Host's project description

Home Institute

Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology
University of Durham
South Road
DH1 3LE Durham

Prof. Dr. Gene D. Sprouse

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.01.1987 - 31.12.1987

Home Institute

Department of Physics and Astronomy
Stony Brook University
11794-3800 Stony Brook

Prof. Dr. Herbert Steiner

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

16.06.1979 - 15.08.1979

Home Institute

Physics Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
1 Cyclotron Road, MS 50R5008
94720-8158 Berkeley

Prof. Dr. Paul Joseph Steinhardt

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.05.2023 - 31.08.2023

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Princeton University
214 Jadwin Hall, Washington Road
08544 Princeton

Prof. Dr. Bernd Stelzer

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.02.2023 - 31.03.2023

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
V5A 1S6 Vancouver

Prof. Dr. Iain Stewart

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.02.2011 - 28.02.2011

Host's project description

Home Institute

Center for Theoretical Physics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
02139 Cambridge

Prof. Dr. Robert G. Stokstad

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.09.1988 - 31.08.1989

Home Institute

Nuclear Science Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
1 Cyclotron Road, MS 50R5008
94720 Berkeley

Prof. Dr. Mark Strikman

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.02.2020 - 29.02.2020

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Pennsylvania State University
104 Davey Lab.
16802 University Park

Dr. Daniel David Strottman

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2007 - 31.07.2007

Host's project description

Home Institute

Theoretical Division
Los Alamos National Laboratory
MS B213
87545 Los Alamos

Prof. Dr. Eric Suraud

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2010 - 30.09.2010

Host's project description

Home Institute

Laboratoire de Physique Théorique
Universite Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III)
118, route de Narbonne
31062 Toulouse Cedex 4

Prof. Dr. Masuo Suuzuki

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.02.1996 - 31.03.1996

Home Institute

Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
2-1, Hirosawa, Wako
351-0198 Saitama

Prof. Dr. Tim M. P. Tait

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

30.09.2020 - 30.09.2020

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of California, Irvine
Frederick Reines Hall 3158
92697 Irvine

Prof. Dr. Isao Tanihata

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.03.2013 - 31.07.2013

Host's project description

Home Institute

Research Center for Nuclear Physics
Osaka University
10-1 Mihagaoka, Ibaraki
567-0047 Osaka

Prof. Dr. Friedrich-K. Thielemann

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2012 - 31.07.2012

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department Physik
Universität Basel
Klingelbergstraße 82
4056 Basel

Prof. Dr. Anthony W. Thomas

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.03.2006 - 30.04.2006

Home Institute

Special Research Centre for the Subatomic Structure of Matter (CSSM)
University of Adelaide
North Terrace
5005 Adelaide

Prof. Dr. Ivan T. Todorov

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.11.2005 - 30.04.2006

Host's project description

Home Institute

Institut for Nuclear Research & Nuclear Energy (INRNE)
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
72 Tsarigradsko Chaussee
1784 Sofia

Prof. Dr. Hiroshi Toki

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.08.2012 - 30.09.2012

Host's project description

Home Institute

Research Center for Nuclear Physics
Osaka University
Mihogaoka 10-1
567-0047 Osaka

Dr. Eckhard von Törne

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.05.2005 - 31.12.2010

Host's project description

Home Institute

Physikalisches Institut
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Nußallee 12
53115 Bonn

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Travaglini

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.04.2019 - 31.07.2019

Home Institute

School of Physics and Astronomy
Queen Mary University of London
Mile End Road
E1 4NS London

Prof. Dr. Alexei Tsvelik

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.04.2015 - 30.06.2015

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science
Brookhaven National Laboratory
PO Box 5000, Bld. 734
11973 Upton

Prof. Dr. William G. Unruh

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.01.2017 - 28.02.2017

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of British Columbia
6224 Agricultural Road
V6T 1Z1 Vancouver

Prof. Dr. Cumrun Vafa

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.05.2024 - 31.05.2024

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Harvard University
17 Oxford Street
02138 Cambridge

Prof. Dr. Jose Furtado Valle

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2006 - 31.08.2006

Host's project description

Home Institute

Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC)
Universidad de Valencia
C/Catedrático José Beltrán, 2
46980 Valencia

Prof. Dr. James P. Vary

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2010 - 31.07.2010

Home Institute

Iowa State University
50011-3160 Ames

Prof. Dr. Raju Venugopalan

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.09.2019 - 30.09.2019

Host's project description

Home Institute

Nuclear Theory Group
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Bldg. 510A, Pennsylvania Street
11973-5000 Upton

Prof. Dr. Jacobus J.M. Verbaarschot

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.12.2016 - 31.12.2016

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics & Astronomy
Stony Brook University
room C-140 Physics Bldg.
11794-3800 Stony Brook

Prof. Dr. John Demetrius Vergados

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2010 - 31.07.2010

Home Institute

Department of Physics, Division of Theoretical Physics
University of Ioannina
451 10 Ioannina

Prof. Dr. Robert Vinh Mau

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.06.1989 - 15.07.1989

Home Institute

Physique Théorique
Sorbonne Universite
4, place Jussieu
75252 Paris Cedex 05

Prof. Dr. Werner Vogelsang

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2008 - 31.07.2008

Host's project description

Home Institute

Institut für Theoretische Physik
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Auf der Morgenstelle 14
72076 Tübingen

Dr. Aleksi Vuorinen

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.12.2008 - 30.11.2013

Host's project description

Home Institute

Helsinki Institute of Physics
University of Helsinki
00014 Helsinki

Prof. Dr. Carlos E. M. Wagner

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.01.2016 - 31.01.2016

Host's project description

Home Institute

Enrico Fermi Institute, Department of Physics
University of Chicago
5640 S Ellis Avenue
60637 Chicago

Prof. Dr. William Ben Walters

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2006 - 30.06.2006

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Maryland at College Park
Stadium Drive
20742 College Park

Prof. Dr. Xin-Nian Wang

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2024 - 31.07.2024

Host's project description

Home Institute

Central China Normal University
152 Luoyu Road
430079 Wuhan

Host in Germany

Prof. Dr. Dirk Rischke
Institut für Theoretische Physik
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Max-von-Laue-Straße 1
60438 Frankfurt am Main

Prof. Dr. Thomas J. Weiler

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2012 - 30.06.2012

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics and Astronomy
Vanderbilt University
1807 Station B
37235 Nashville

Prof. Dr. James D. Wells

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2016 - 30.06.2017

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics, Randall Laboratory
University of Michigan
450 Church Street
48109 Ann Arbor

Prof. Dr. Gary Westfall

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.02.2008 - 29.02.2008

Host's project description

Home Institute

National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory
Michigan State University
48823-1321 East Lansing

Prof. Dr. Pavel Wiegmann

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2016 - 31.08.2016

Host's project description

Home Institute

James Franck Institute
University of Chicago
5640 South Ellis Avenue
60637 Chicago

Prof. Dr. Michael Wiescher

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2009 - 31.07.2009

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
University of Notre Dame
225 Nieuwland Science Hall
46556 Notre Dame

Prof. Dr. Uwe-Jens Wiese

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2022 - 01.07.2022

Host's project description

Home Institute

Institut für Theoretische Physik
Universität Bern
Sidlerstrasse 5
3012 Bern

Prof. Dr. Matthew Wing

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.08.2014 - 31.07.2015

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics and Astronomy
University College London (UCL)
Gower Street
WC1E 6BT London

Prof. Dr. Herman Winick

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.02.1986 - 31.08.1986

Home Institute

Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory
Stanford University
2575 Sand Hill Road, MS 69
94025-7015 Menlo Park

Prof. Dr. Jeffrey H. Winicour

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.09.1985 - 31.08.1986

Home Institute

Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Pittsburgh
15260 Pittsburgh

Prof. Dr. Andreas Winter

Field of Research:

Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Fields

In Germany:

01.09.2023 - 31.08.2024

Host's project description

Home Institute

Facultad de Ciencia, Departament de Fisica
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Placa Civica
08193 Bellaterra

Host in Germany

Prof. Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee
Universität zu Köln
50931 Köln

Prof. Dr. Bernard Q.P.J. de Wit

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.02.2004 - 31.03.2004

Home Institute

Instituut voor theoretische Fysica
Utrecht University
Princetonplein 5
3584 CC Utrecht

Prof. Dr. Stanley G. Wojcicki

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.08.1980 - 31.07.1981

Home Institute

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)
MS 63
94309 Stanford

Prof. Dr. Tai Tsun Wu

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

16.06.1988 - 15.10.1988

Home Institute

Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Harvard University
Pierce Hall 204B
02138 Cambridge

Prof. Dr. Nu Xu

Field of Research:

Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Fields

In Germany:

01.07.2023 - 30.11.2023

Host's project description

Home Institute

Nuclear Science Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
1 Cyclotron Road
94720 Berkeley

Prof. Dr. Laurence G. Yaffe

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.05.2017 - 31.07.2017

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
University of Washington
98195 Seattle

Prof. Dr. A. Peter Young

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

30.09.2020 - 30.09.2020

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
University of California, Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
95064 Santa Cruz

Prof. Dr. Larry Zamick

Field of Research:

Nuclear Physics

In Germany:

01.05.2003 - 31.05.2003

Home Institute

Department of Physics and Astronomy
Rutgers University
08855-0849 Piscataway

Prof. Dr. Alexander B. Zamolodchikov

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.03.2005 - 31.08.2005

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics and Astronomy
Rutgers University
08855-0849 Piscataway

Prof. Dr. Giulia Zanderighi

Field of Research:

Elementary Particle Physics

In Germany:

01.11.2016 - 30.11.2016

Host's project description

Home Institute

Max-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut)
Föhringer Ring 6
80805 München

Prof. Dr. Anthony Zee

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2013 - 30.06.2013

Host's project description

Home Institute

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP)
University of California, Santa Barbara
93106 Santa Barbara

Prof. Dr. Royce King-Ping Zia

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2011 - 30.06.2011

Host's project description

Home Institute

Virginia Tech
850 West Campus Drive
24061-0002 Blacksburg

Prof. Dr. Jean Zinn-Justin

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2015 - 30.06.2015

Host's project description

Home Institute

Institut de Recherche sur les lois Fondamentales de lUnivers (Irfu)
Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA)
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cédex

Prof. Dr. Bingsong Zou

Field of Research:

Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Fields

In Germany:

01.06.2024 - 31.08.2024

Host's project description

Home Institute

Institute of Theoretical Physics
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Zhong Guan Chun East Street 55, P.O.Box 2735
100190 Beijing

Prof. Dr. Jure Zupan

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2022 - 31.07.2022

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
University of Cincinnati
PO Box 210011
45221 Cincinnati

Prof. Dr. Wojciech H. Zurek

Field of Research:

Theoretical Physics

In Germany:

01.03.2008 - 31.05.2008

Host's project description

Home Institute

Theory Division, T-DOT
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Mail Stop B213
87545 Los Alamos

Main field of research

Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture and Veterinary Medicine



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