
Polymer Research

Prof. Dr. Takuzo Aida

Field of Research:

Preparative and Physical Chemistry of Polymers

In Germany:

01.10.2013 - 31.10.2013

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology
University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku
113-8656 Tokyo

Prof. Dr. Zeev Alexandrowicz

Field of Research:

Experimental and Theoretical Polymer Physics

In Germany:

01.12.1994 - 30.11.1995

Home Institute

Department of Materials & Interfaces
Weizmann Institute of Science
76100 Rehovot

Prof. Dr. David Andelman

Field of Research:

Experimental and Theoretical Polymer Physics

In Germany:

01.12.2018 - 31.12.2018

Host's project description

Home Institute

School of Physics and Astronomy
Tel Aviv University
69978 Tel Aviv

Prof. Dr. Omar Azzaroni

Field of Research:

Experimental and Theoretical Polymer Physics

In Germany:

01.05.2024 - 31.05.2024

Host's project description

Home Institute

Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquimicas Teoricas y Aplicadas (INIFTA-CONICET)
Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Diagonal 113 y 64, CC. 16 Suc. 4
B1900 La Plata

Prof. Dr. John Blackwell

Field of Research:

Preparative and Physical Chemistry of Polymers

In Germany:

16.06.1993 - 30.06.1993

Home Institute

Department of Macromolecular Science
Case Western Reserve University
10900 Euclid Avenue, Kent Hale Smith Bldg.
44106-7202 Cleveland

Dr. Oleg V. Borisov

Field of Research:

Experimental and Theoretical Polymer Physics

In Germany:

01.06.2009 - 31.07.2009

Host's project description

Home Institute

Universite de Pau et des Pays de L'Adour
2 Avenue du Président Angot
64053 Pau Cedex 03

Prof. Dr. Masao Doi

Field of Research:

Experimental and Theoretical Polymer Physics

In Germany:

01.12.2018 - 31.12.2018

Host's project description

Home Institute

Center of Soft Matter Physics and its Applications
Beihang University (BUAA)
37 Xueyuan Rd, Haidian District,
100191 Beijing

Prof. Dr. Igor Erukhimovich

Field of Research:

Experimental and Theoretical Polymer Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2008 - 31.07.2008

Host's project description

Home Institute

A.N.Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds
Russian Academy of Sciences
Vavilov str. 28
119991 Moscow

Prof. Dr. George Fytas

Field of Research:

Experimental and Theoretical Polymer Physics

In Germany:

01.10.2003 - 30.11.2003

Host's project description

Home Institute

Forschergruppe Theorie der Polymere
Max-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung
Ackermannweg 10
55128 Mainz

Prof. Dr. Martin Gruebele

Field of Research:

Preparative and Physical Chemistry of Polymers

In Germany:

01.10.2021 - 30.11.2021

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Chemistry
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
600 South Mathews Avenue
61801 Urbana

Host in Germany

Prof. Dr. Martina Havenith
Lehrstuhl für Physikalische Chemie II
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Universitätsstraße 150
44801 Bochum

Prof. Dr. Zhibin Guan

Field of Research:

Preparative and Physical Chemistry of Polymers

In Germany:

01.06.2011 - 31.08.2011

Home Institute

Department of Chemistry
University of California, Irvine
1102 Natural Sciences II
92697-2025 Irvine

Dr. Andrew Gurtovenko

Field of Research:

Experimental and Theoretical Polymer Physics

In Germany:

01.02.2011 - 30.06.2011

Host's project description

Home Institute

Institute of Macromolecular Compounds, Laboratory of Theory and Computer Simulation of Polymers
Russian Academy of Sciences
31, Bolshoi Prospect, V.O.
199004 St. Petersburg

Prof. Dr. Georges Hadziioannou

Field of Research:

Preparative and Physical Chemistry of Polymers

In Germany:

01.05.2001 - 31.07.2001

Host's project description

Home Institute

Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymeres Organiques (LCPO)
Universite de Bordeaux
B8 Avenue des Facultes
33405 Talence Cedex

Prof. Dr. Charles C. Han

Field of Research:

Experimental and Theoretical Polymer Physics

In Germany:

01.05.1998 - 31.05.1998

Home Institute

Institute of Chemistry, State Key Laboratory of Polymer Physics and Chemistry
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
NO. 2, 1st North Street, Zhongguancun
100080 Beijing

Prof. Dr. Olli Ikkala

Field of Research:

Experimental and Theoretical Polymer Physics

In Germany:

01.01.2021 - 31.03.2021

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Applied Physics
Aalto University
Puumiehenkuja 2 (P.O. Box 15100)
00076 Espoo

Prof. Dr. Hatsuo Ishida

Field of Research:

Preparative and Physical Chemistry of Polymers

In Germany:

01.10.2002 - 31.10.2002

Home Institute

Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Case Western Reserve University
109000 Euclid Avenue, KHS Bldg.
44106-7202 Cleveland

Prof. Dr. Donglin Jiang

Field of Research:

Polymer Materials

In Germany:

01.06.2023 - 31.07.2023

Home Institute

Department of Chemistry
National University of Singapore (NUS)
3 Science Drive 3
117543 Singapore

Prof. Dr. Lei Jiang

Field of Research:

Polymer Materials

In Germany:

30.09.2020 - 30.09.2020

Host's project description

Home Institute

Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
No. 2, Zhongguancun East Road, Haidian
100190 Beijing

Prof. Dr. Kazunori Kataoka

Field of Research:

Preparative and Physical Chemistry of Polymers

In Germany:

01.09.2018 - 30.09.2018

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Materials Engineering
University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku
113-8656 Tokyo

Prof. Dr. Alexei R. Khokhlov

Field of Research:

Experimental and Theoretical Polymer Physics

In Germany:

01.11.2001 - 30.06.2005

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University
Vorob'ovy Hills
119992 Moscow

Prof. Dr. Shiro Kobayashi

Field of Research:

Preparative and Physical Chemistry of Polymers

In Germany:

01.10.2003 - 31.10.2003

Home Institute

R & D Center for Bio-based Materials
Kyoto Institute of Technology
606-8585 Kyoto

Prof. Dr. Eugenia Kumacheva

Field of Research:

Preparative and Physical Chemistry of Polymers

In Germany:

01.10.2012 - 30.11.2012

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Chemistry
University of Toronto
80 St. George Street
M5S 35E Toronto

Prof. Dr. Anthony J.C. Ladd

Field of Research:

Experimental and Theoretical Polymer Physics

In Germany:

01.05.2011 - 31.05.2011

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Florida
32611-6005 Gainesville

Dr. Robert F. Landel

Field of Research:

Experimental and Theoretical Polymer Physics

In Germany:

01.07.1991 - 30.06.1992

Home Institute

Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
300 Tahimik Trail
95065 Santa Cruz

Prof. Dr. Marga Cornelia Lensen

Field of Research:

Polymer Materials

In Germany:

01.11.2010 - 31.10.2011

Host's project description

Home Institute

Institut für Chemie
Technische Universität Berlin
Straße des 17. Juni 124
10623 Berlin

Prof. Dr. Katja Loos

Field of Research:

Preparative and Physical Chemistry of Polymers

In Germany:

01.09.2021 - 28.02.2022

Host's project description

Home Institute

Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials
University of Groningen
Nijenborgh 4
9747 AG Groningen

Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Matyjaszewski

Field of Research:

Preparative and Physical Chemistry of Polymers

In Germany:

01.05.2000 - 30.06.2000

Home Institute

Department of Chemistry, Polymer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
4400 Fifth Avenue
15213 Pittsburgh

Prof. Dr. Murugappan Muthukumar

Field of Research:

Experimental and Theoretical Polymer Physics

In Germany:

01.11.2013 - 30.11.2013

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Polymer Science & Engineering
University of Massachusetts Amherst
712 Lederle Grad. Res. Tower
01003 Amherst

Prof. Dr. Christopher K. Ober

Field of Research:

Preparative and Physical Chemistry of Polymers

In Germany:

01.05.2011 - 31.07.2011

Host's project description

Home Institute

Materials Science & Engineering Department
Cornell University
310 Bard Hall
14853-1501 Ithaca

Prof. Dr. Oguz Okay

Field of Research:

Preparative and Physical Chemistry of Polymers

In Germany:

01.02.2015 - 31.01.2016

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Chemistry
Istanbul Technical University
Kimya Bölümü
34469 Maslak / Istanbul

Prof. Dr. Virgil Percec

Field of Research:

Preparative and Physical Chemistry of Polymers

In Germany:

01.10.2011 - 31.12.2011

Home Institute

Department of Chemistry
University of Pennsylvania
231 South 34th Street
19104-6323 Philadelphia

Prof. Dr. Igor Ivanovich Potemkin

Field of Research:

Preparative and Physical Chemistry of Polymers

In Germany:

01.12.2003 - 30.11.2004

Home Institute

Department of Physics, Chair of Polymer Physics and Crystallophysics
Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University
Vorobevy Gory
117234 Moscow

Prof. Dr. Ivan Smalyukh

Field of Research:

Experimental and Theoretical Polymer Physics

In Germany:

01.05.2016 - 31.08.2016

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Physics
University of Colorado at Boulder
2000 Colorado Ave
80309 Boulder

Prof. Dr. Samuel I. Stupp

Field of Research:

Preparative and Physical Chemistry of Polymers

In Germany:

01.07.2001 - 31.07.2001

Home Institute

Materials Science & Engineering Department
Northwestern University
2225 North Campus Drive
60208 Evanston

Prof. Dr. Kenneth Wagener

Field of Research:

Preparative and Physical Chemistry of Polymers

In Germany:

01.03.2009 - 31.03.2009

Host's project description

Home Institute

Department of Chemistry
University of Florida
417 CLB
32611-7200 Gainesville

Prof. Dr. Mark Warner

Field of Research:

Experimental and Theoretical Polymer Physics

In Germany:

01.07.2003 - 31.08.2003

Home Institute

Department of Physics - Cavendish Laboratory
University of Cambridge
JJ Thomson Avenue
CB3 0HE Cambridge

Prof. Dr. Marcus Weck

Field of Research:

Preparative and Physical Chemistry of Polymers

In Germany:

01.02.2023 - 30.04.2023

Host's project description

Home Institute

Molecular Design Institute and Department of Chemistry
New York University
100 Washington Square East
10003-6688 New York

Prof. Dr. C. Grant Willson

Field of Research:

Preparative and Physical Chemistry of Polymers

In Germany:

01.07.1988 - 30.06.1989

Home Institute

Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering
University of Texas at Austin
1 University Station A5300
78712-0165 Austin

Prof. Dr. Mitchell A. Winnik

Field of Research:

Preparative and Physical Chemistry of Polymers

In Germany:

01.05.1997 - 31.05.1997

Home Institute

Department of Chemistry, Lash Miller Chemical Laboratories
University of Toronto
80 St. George Street
M5S 3H6 Toronto

Prof. Dr. Horst Henning Winter

Field of Research:

Preparative and Physical Chemistry of Polymers

In Germany:

01.09.1999 - 30.06.2000

Home Institute

Chemical Engineering Department
University of Massachusetts Amherst
159 Goessmann Laboratory
01003-3110 Amherst

Prof. Dr. Hyuk Yu

Field of Research:

Preparative and Physical Chemistry of Polymers

In Germany:

16.05.1994 - 15.08.1994

Home Institute

Department of Chemistry
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1101 University Avenue
53706 Madison

Prof. Dr. Zhiyuan Zhong

Field of Research:

Preparative and Physical Chemistry of Polymers

In Germany:

01.07.2022 - 31.07.2022

Host's project description

Home Institute

Soochow University
199 Ren-Ai Road
215123 Suzhou

Prof. Dr. Vitali P. Zubov

Field of Research:

Preparative and Physical Chemistry of Polymers

In Germany:

01.05.2009 - 31.07.2009

Home Institute

Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology
Vernadscogo 86
117571 Moscow

Main field of research

Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture and Veterinary Medicine



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