Field of Research:
Statistical Physics, Soft Matter, Biological Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics
In Germany:
01.09.2017 -
Host's project description
Blood flow in microcirculation plays a fundamental role in a wide range of physiological processes and pathologies in the organism, including transport of molecules and cells, organism defense, haemostasis, and various diseases. A prominent example of the significance of microcirculatory blood flow is cancer, which is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Blood flow in tumor microcirculation is essential for tumor growth and metastasis, but also it strongly affects tumor detection and treatment, since it is the main path for the delivery of imaging agents and drugs. In-silico modeling has a large potential to elucidate blood flow behavior in normal and tumor microcirculation and to guide and possibly drive the optimization of vascular drug delivery.
Dr. Fedosov has developed a simulation technique to study blood flow under various conditions. He will use this approach to investigate blood flow and drug delivery by nanocarriers in normal and tumor microcirculation. Unlike vessels in a normal microvasculature, tumor vessels are tortuous and leaky and the effect of these properties on blood flow will be also explored. Drug delivery in normal and tumor microcirculation will be investigated in a few steps including margination of nanoparticles towards the vessel walls, their adhesion to the targeted sites, and trafficking and distribution within the microcirculation. The results will lead to a better understanding of drug delivery by nanocarriers and will help to identify promising strategies for efficient drug delivery to tumors.
Home Institute
Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS)
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH