Field of Research:
Art History
In Germany:
01.01.2009 -
Host's project description
Professor George Didi-Huberman has enormously enriched the understanding of art, painting, images, and visuality. His outstanding books range from Renaissance painting to modern photographie, including studies on thresholds between images and art, on images in sciences, poetry, and the aftermath of the holocaust. He not only wrote the most profound book on Aby Warburg, but also is his true successor, - especially with a project on Ninfa motifs. At the Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung in Berlin he will work on Ninfa Dolorosa, i.e. on pathosformula of mourning and lament.
Home Institute
Centre d'Histoire et Theorie des Arts
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales
54 boulevard Raspail