Field of Research:
General and Comparative Literature; Cultural Studies
In Germany:
01.10.2002 -
Host's project description
Professor Block de Behar receives the Humboldt Award for her theoretical and practical activities in the area of cultural globalization. Her work focusses on intercultural processes among Latin America, Anglo-America and Europe, and furthermore, on the universal dimension of particular cultures, like that of the La Plata region, marked by fictional "ultrarealism" created by Borges and Bioy Casares, unfolded by the scholar and acting worldwide. Professor Block de Behar succeeds in twinning cultures by exploring their "in-betweens", the intermediate space where cultures cross, unite and differentiate themselves. In this field, especially in interlingual and symbolic relations between Latin-American and European literature as well as mass media, a close collaboration between the prizewinner and Professor Alfons Knauth (Ruhr University Bochum) has been taking place since 1991, concentrating this year on the imaginary in political, intellectual and scientific discourse.
Home Institute
Instituto de Ciencias de la Comunicacion
Universidad de la Republica
Leguizamon 3666