Field of Research:
Solid State Chemistry and Surface Chemistry, Material Synthesis
In Germany:
01.03.2024 -
Host's project description
Professor Yaghi is the worldwide leading chemist working in ultra-porous materials consisting of metal ions and organic frameworks, so-called MOFs. They span two- or three-dimensional networks which, through artful synthesis design, enable the storage of a large variety of important gaseous molecules such as water, hydrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide. His ground-breaking discoveries on MOFs as storage materials allow inter alia to capture liquid water from the atmosphere of a desert. In Germany, he will extend his research in synthesizing novel metal-free covalent networks probing them not only for gas storage but also as nano- and mesoscopic reaction vessel towards coupling of small molecules. Professor Yaghi is hosted by Professor Matthias Driess at the Technical University Berlin.
Home Institute
Department of Chemistry
University of California, Berkeley
602 Latimer Hall